And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
—Philippians 4:19
In the mid 1800s George Mueller felt the call of God to do something about the plight of Britain’s orphans and street children. He and his wife started taking in a few of the neediest children he found in Bristol.
However the Muellers also felt that if God was truly in this endeavor, then he could be counted on to provide all that was needed, without the usual appeals to the public for charitable donations.
Eventually the large orphanages that Mueller built and established would provide for more than 10,000 orphans, all funded and built by the unsolicited freewill gifts and offerings that God provided to them.
One particular day George Mueller wanted to give each orphan a banana. So after conferring with his staff on the number of orphans they currently were housing be checked the amount of funds they had and went to the shipping docks to see if he could possibly acquire the 2,000 bananas he needed for each orphan to have their own banana.
Imagine his surprise and thankfulness when he arrived at the docks and found that a shipping company had sent him 4,000 bananas free of cost and just awaiting him to pick them up for his orphans.
Our Heavenly Father knows all our needs and he delights to show his love and grace in providing for our every need.